woensdag 6 januari 2010


Birds-eye. pt 9

'It's eerie here,' was the first thing she said. 'Should we go here? There's no animals.' She was right. As soon as they arrived on the scene, everybody there was holding their breaths. The Pond had been such a wonderful refuge. The silence only lasted so long, because there's always a frog that'll let its hungry stomach prevail over everything else, even if it is complete and utter annihilation. When the frogs piped up, so did everything else. Next to her, the guy beamed a smile. 'See, darlin'? Ain't nothing to worry your pretty little head about.' He probably thought he got nature all figured out, but I knew he didn't. For one, he was immaculately dressed, the way I see humans parading around in their lairs sometimes. Hardly seemed like the right attire for Quackajack Pond. Second of all, how was he ever gonna impress her with the colors he choose to put on? He was almost completely dressed in black, save for a small white ring up on his throat, which looked downright suffocating to me. Can't get to a female without some variety. I know for a fact, that white, with some accents of grey and black, will get you the best results, provided you can work your feathers in the right way. I have to give him this, though. He had his songs down. He was right the smooth talker. Plus, there was a singsong quality to his voice, that could've lured me, if I didn't know better of course.

The man in black took out a cloth from the back of his car, found himself a spot with not too many weeds and put it down. She reluctantly trailed behind. 'I don't know,' she whined. 'I think it smells like death here.' That's when I took an interest in her; she's the only human I've ever known to see things so clearly. I'd almost wager she'd had animal sense of smell. Cause Quackjack Pond does smell like death. It's a place of eat and get eaten. There's no other way for it to smell.

Mister High 'n Mighty didn't see it like that, though. 'Come and sit down, Marguerite,' he said, with a hint of hastiness in his voice. 'You know why I can't have us meet anywhere closer.'
'Because we might be seen,' she moped. She sat down on one corner of the cloth, ostentatiously swatting at the mosquitoes, who were happy to try out a change in diet. In fact, they were all over her.

Previous parts:
Birds-eye, part 1
Birds-eye, part 2
Birds-eye, part 3
Birds-eye, part 4
Birds-eye, part 5
Birds-eye, part 6
Birds-eye, part 7

Birds-eye, part 8

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